WWith the end of September, Leofamily finishes their summer trips season during which little baby Leo has transformed into a big boy with scratches on his legs, scabbed knees, a bump on his forehead.
For the last 3,5 months he was constantly on the road.
He accompanied his parents on their work and leisure trips, and in total he covered approximately 5000 km – that is 1/8 of the length of the Equator, or the distance from Warszawy to Benin :)
He was at the seaside and in the mountains, at a lake, river and a water reservoir,
in a city and in the countryside, in the forest and at the beach.
In Beskidy, Tatra and Pieniny Monuntains; in
Krakow, Zakopane, Sopot; in Kashubia and Masuria.
In Ińsko, Rańsk and Pcim (!)
At a music and film festivals,
dance workshops and discussion panel, in a ZOO and botanical garden, at a folklore fair and African wedding, in a mountain hostel, and a choir concert.
He had bonfires and barbecues;
he was on a boat and rode a bike; ate pears from a tree and picked mushrooms;
he touched pigs’ snouts and cows’ udders,
waded in rye and snow; he rolled in the grass; went on a cable-railway ride;
explored caves and valleys, bathed in a lake, in the sea, in a river and in puddles; he reached the tower at Wieżyca Mountain and the peak of Kasprowy Wierch (well, let’s say so); he watched storks, swallows, chamoises, saw a sunset and a Moonrise.
And with this baggage of experiences he enters his preschool year.
The schedule is going to be tight:
early development support sessions twice a week,
physiotherapy twice a week, speech therapy once a week,
and one music preschool session…