Leo has just finished his periodical series of tests and examinations.
Ears – no pathological signs; eyes – the same!!!!!
(Our ophthalmologist is more than happy
– she says it is rare occasion that a three-year old permits her to check him so carefully;
additionally very few of them know alphabet and numbers! :)))
Leo has also went through IQ and psychological tests.
He swept through it like a thunderbolt answering all of the questions to a newly met gentleman,
correctly indicating images, linking puzzle elements etc.
Leomom, sitting aside, was just bursting with pride.
Suddenly, the new Mister produced another set of images
and took Leo by surprise with a new question which simply made the boy sink in his chair:
- Can you tell me. Leo, whether your mummy (sic! mummy) does ironing?
Leo froze.
A deadly silence reigned.
- Come on, Leo! Your clothes, Does your mom iron your clothes? – said this new Mister.
His eyes becoming large and round,
Leo stared at the Mister as if h was speaking a foreign language.
- The iron! Show me the iron!! – the Mister said in agitation.
Leo, abashed, peeped at Leomom, searching for help,
while she was nervously browsing through the files of her own memory
in the search for information when she had held such an object in her hand for the last time
and whether she really did it after her son was born...*
and, of course, whether Leo has ever seen an iron in his life...!
*Yes, indeed: Leoparents – they have never ironed Leoclothes, Leobedsheets, Leotowels :)