In theory: the autumn daylight saving time change
= an extra hour of sleep = divine!!!

Unfortunately, Mr Leo does not recognise this practice.
He stubbornly continues to get up according to summer time,
which in practice changed the time from 5:30 to 4:30 in the morning.
And there are no excuses; we have to get up, no discussion.
(And if not, then I will destroy
the precious as gold pulse oxymeter sensor, yes I will!!!)

After three such nightmarish wake-ups, Leomom took his son for a serious talk.
She persuaded, explained, argumented, begged…

In response, Mr Leo (polite and conciliatory as usual) has reset his inner timing.
Precisely by an hour.
Half past four in the morning has become half past three.
Precisely 3.30 :-/

And at 3.30 sharp, regardless of the thick darkness all around,
Mr Leo sat in his crib, disconnected from the ventilator and announced general wake-up.

Acting on an impulse, Leoparents decided to incapacitate their baby.
They kidnapped him with all his equipment and put him in their bed,
gagged him with a tranquilizer, tied up with a duvet,
brought to a standstill with a hug…
And froze in anticipation of a huge scene.
But to the contrary, Mr Leo sighed, cuddled in and lied there with them until 8.30!!
Without the ventilator, completely on his own breath!!!
And Leoparents slept hugging him!!!
For the first time since Leo was born, they lied in bed,
all three of them, without the discomfort of cables and tubes,
without the accompaniment of ventilator’s whistles…
