After a 24-hour nightmare the family got persimmon to board the plane.
The sight of happy Leo compensated the stress.
Summing it all up:
It should not have happened.
Wasted a day and missed the festival opening
where Leo was supposed to be a special guest.
Unnecessary stress.
But maybe this case will teach air carrieries to be more careful in the future,
so that other travellers are spared such stress.
We made it and this is what matters.
The wonderful action undertaken to support Leofamily in crisis was a great success.
The facebook commotion was a great success
- Swiss Air Facebook fanpage was bombarded with posts expressing outrage.
The media (radio, television, press) reaction was a great success.
It is a shame that we had to go through this ordeal.
It's a shame that Swiss dealt with the situation only after a media intervention.
It's a shame that matters could't be handled otherwise.
The official version of events currently presented by Swiss is shameful, too.
According to it the permission was granted after we offered
to change the equipment to be then on board.
The ventilator was the main problem, not the pulse oximeter.
One day the ventilator was the problem, the other day it was not.
And now the long list of credentials for those who enabled us to fly.
Special thanks to Małgosia K., Andzia Z., Ania T.
(Franek's mom), Malwina N., Agnieszka O., Mike U.
and all the journalists who voiced our case or were willing to help.
Thanks to LOT Airlines for the readiness to take us on board.
Thanks to the Facebook community - it was brilliant.
P.S. We are convinced that the Swiss spokeswoman had a lousy day, just as we did.