The year is coming to an end. It was a good year for Leo;
No hospital stays or unwanted surprises.
Just a stream of fortunes: big and small.
Some of which are worth mentioning as they are milestones.
First of all Leo went to preschool and settled in at a new place.
Secondly, being a novice traveller, he conquered new territories
- he travelled out of Poland and flew twice,
once more proving that nothing is impossible.
Finally, this being the last month's achievement,
Leo overcame his speaking barriers.
His world is no longer filled with silence.
He keeps talking -in a bit clumsy and blurred manner, but otherwise perfect way.
Thanks to all those who have supported Leo and his family this year.
Special thanks to his doctors, therapists, nurses and caretakers!
Thanks to those who organised great events for the benefit of Leo
and those who participated in them (auctions, marathons, concerts and gatherings)
and bringing us closer to Leo’s operation.
Thanks to those who made our blog popular thus spreading awareness of CCHS.
It did help some people get a proper diagnosis.
Thanks to those who supported us with their 1% tax donation.
Thanks to those who helpled us defeat the giant and enabled Leo to travel on a plane.
Thanks to those who offered their time and support in every other way.
Thanks to all of our readers who support Leo.
Dear Leoblog readers!
Leo is roaring his Happy New Year to you - lion-style.