- What's that letter? - Leo asks pointing at an odd symbol on a package of miso soup.
- I don't know, that's in Japanese . It probably says "Miso Soup" - replies Leomom
- But what's that letter? - Leo doesn't relent.
- I don't know, sweetie, I don't speak Japanese - Leomom admits.
Leo bursts out laughing.
- I know! - he answers and disappears into his bedroom,
only to return momentarily with his beloved world atlas. He opens it to Japan.
- It says "Japan" - and points to the Japanese label "Japan"
and then takes a piece of paper and starts to copy the letters.
Admittedly, he puts the letters out of order,
but to Leomom, all the separates him from perfect caligraphy are only a few weeks of practice.
And we have to face the truth: he knows Japanese better than his parents…