Leo had a visit from Thijs - a five year-old from Amsterdam,
with CCHS.
Everyone wondered how the boys would communicate,
and if they even would.
Thijs speaks and understands Dutch,
Leo speaks (almost) and understands (almost too well) Polish.
To everyone's delight, the boys found common ground.
They measured each other's blood oxygen levels
and celebrated when one of them had 100%
Because they both know that 100% is the best result.
It's time to brag a bit:
Leo can read!
He can easily understand simple texts
that he sees for the first time.
Reading has become his passion!
He reads everything that he casts his eye on:
advertisements, names of streets and bus stops, traffic signs...
And if it ever happens that some word is too long for him to figure out,
he immediately finds in it a familiar, shorter fragment,
which makes him really happy.
For example, when the sees the word "purveyed", he announces:
-There's an eye.
Once in a while, on one of the CCHS forums,
there comes a shocking, disturbing news.
That the curse turned fatal...
Looks like it's going well!
A will to play and an unwillingness to waste time on sleeping is back.
So are apetite and good mood.
We're working on saturation.
In line with this cautious optimism we share one more piece of good news.
As we mentioned, work's in progress over The CCHS Family Network Foundation.
In July the first event will take place, initiated by actress Monika Kwiatkowska, and Mr Leo will represent it.
How to help?
To support the campaign you just need to join 200 other sailors and take part in the race: sailbookcup.pl/pl/zgloszenia.
For the seasick, we recommend virtual sailing - with finger over a smartphone, and following the race online.
You need to download an app with satellite tracking Yellowbrick for SailBook Cup 2015 for Leo - all incomes from downloads will be donated to research.
Beyond that it will also be possible to buy a scarf to support research: www.plynedlaleo.pl
"Leo-campaign" is still looking for sponsors of SailBook Cup 2015, who could make the event gain an even greater media setting.
The campaign is joined by more and more sailing enthusiasts, media patrons and companies, including Institute for Media Monitoring, which provides an up-to-date monitoring of mentions in the media about this unique event.
Sailing for Leo are TVN, Polskie Radio Jedynka, Radio Gdańsk,
Institute for Media Monitoring, InPost, President of Sopot,
Henry Loyd, Mytshirtdress, Selden,
Naftoport, Ocean Sails, Work Service, Alma press and others.
We will inform about further details.
In the meantime, we invite you to join the campaign on FB -> Płynę dla Leo
Preschool ranks were decimated by flu.
And unfortunately, this time it Leo caught it as well,
and he is ill rarely but spectacularly - with a full selection of special effects.
This time nothing was spared as well.
Blood falling out of tracheo - in liquid and solid form,
night alarms every 15 minutes, low saturation,
ventillator operating non stop, occasionally with oxygen,
wound around the hole is gooey,
Leo is transparent,
no energy
no apetite (!)
no smile.
He sleeps 20 hours a day.
Yesterday he changed skin color to violet and started shaking.
After this incident Leodoctors with Leoparents (with heavy heart) launched antibiotics.
Deadline is on Tuesday.
If nothing changes, he will have to go to...
It all started, when Leoparents came up with the idea
of placing a shelf with books near Leo's bed.
From then on, Leo starts his day with a book.
Punctually, at 7 am he wakes up and starts reading.
The same happens in the evening - he reads to the bitter end :-)
Leomum reads Leo poems by Julian Tuwim:
- "She knows everything better than the others, she wants to do everything by herself..."
You are like her, Zosia - Little Miss Know-It-All*, aren't you? - Leomum allows herself to make a remark.
- No! - Leo gives an assertive answer.
- No??
- No.
- You're not Zosia - Little Miss Know-It-All*?
Leo takes a book, turns a few pages, clearly looking for something.
He opens on a page with another poem.
- It's me - he points with his finger at the page of the book -
I am Dyzio - Dreamer**.
*in Polish: 'Zosia-Samosia', means also 'Zosia - Little Miss Independent'
** in Polish: 'Dyzio-Marzyciel'
Ladies and Gentlemen!
A portrait... so, do you recognize who it is?